
Mallfaka Fakarian

Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationships: Selective. Claimed but polyamorous
Other notes
Very outgoing and dominant.

Poses: Available upon request.
Content/Raiding: Usually only with good friends/people I trust.
Roleplaying: Given the right situation I am open to the idea.
ERP: Never on the first date, silly. Open but quite selective.
Hit me up via Discord

Mal's Backstory

Birthday: 21st Sun of the SIxth Umbral Moon
Height: 9.5 Fulms
Age: 32

He has no memory of his parents or his life before becoming a war orphan. Strong and resourceful for his age, he was ‘adopted’ by a Garlean officer at the age of 5. He was forced to serve the officers household for the next two years, proving himself capable of tasks usually handled by boys twice his age. The officer, Loras Tol Agrillus, then brought Mal on his personal airship to function as one of his stewards. At the age of 9, the older enslaved stewards and slaves mutinied and took the airship in a bloody coup, killing the skeleton crew of Garleans on the ship, including Agrillus. It was at that moment Mal discovered his first love…the sky.The former slaves formed a band of would-be pirates known as ‘The Scales’, a name the crew of exclusively Au’Ra found entirely too clever. They christened their ship Highwind and set sail, soaring the skies targeting unsuspecting Garlean airships. Mal was taught how to defend himself. He grew skilled with the Garlean Gunblade, the Garlean Magitek Firearm, and even learned how to pilot the airship. The Scales spent years ripping off smaller Garlean transports, evading massive dreadnaughts, and generally causing trouble wherever they could. They also began operations to smuggle refugees out of Garlean territories. It was during one of these smuggling trips that he met Keiko. The Scales helped smuggle them out of Doma in what ended up being a very pivotal moment in Mal’s life. It was at that moment that he would meet the best friend he would ever have.
The pair spent most of their time together. He was older by four years, but Keiko was vastly more mature.
In the years that followed, Mal became a deft hand in combat and piloting, hoping to one day have a crew and ship of his own. It was a sad day when Keiko’s family departed at Little Ala Mhigo, but the pair promised to keep in touch. In fact, Mal made a promise to himself that he would come back one day and bring Keiko with him on some grand adventure in the skies.The Scales spent their time harrying the Garleans at every turn–intercepting supply ships, sabotaging fuel depot’s, and smuggling people in and out of Garlean-occupied territory. Captain Khudu Orben was a bold, cunning pirate, and Mal tried to emulate him at every opportunity.Things had been going well for The Scales for a long while and they grew to be quite notorious amongst the Garlean navy. Unfortunately, that reputation soon caught up with them. Early one morning, as the Highwind and her crew were stalking a supply ship loaded with food and medical supplies near the Ala Mhigan border, they were ambushed by a fleet of Garlean attack ships. Surrounded and unable to escape, Captain Orben ordered the evacuation of the ship as it was bombarded with Garlean armaments. Bodies flew to and fro as Mal ran through the narrow corridors as they exploded all around him. The command crew stood beside Captain Orben as they set a course to ram the lead ship. Before the Highwind could collide with the lead Garlean ship, it took a direct hit on its cargo hold. Mal watched as his crewmates burst into pieces all around him, the ceruleum engines of the Highwind ruptured and bathed the now-exposed cargo hold in liquid flames. The floor became the sky as Mal began to fall, his world slowly growing black around the edges. His existence was pain.
As Mal fell, the Highwind detonated, taking three nearby Garlean ships with it. Shrapnel and scrap burst in every direction, with some of it catching Mal during his descent.
He awoke nearly a week later, his body wrapped in bandages. His body had washed ashore in the Black Shroud and he was rescued and mended by the Padjal. His tail had been severed in the explosion, with the ceruleum burns cauterizing the wound and forever preventing any regrowth. It took him weeks more to recover and regain his strength before setting out on the adventures that lead to him becoming A Warrior of Light.During those adventures–while delving inside ancient Allagan ruins–he found a device that served as both a replacement tail and a source to amplify his aether. He had it grafted on via a very painful procedure performed by Cid and Nero, to whom he owes a debt of gratitude.While exploring the ruins below Ivalice, Mal came across an airship graveyard. He was astounded at the sheer number and state of the various ships, most of which had to be centuries old. There was one airship that caught his eye over all the others. It had a unique, sleek look. Inside the cockpit was a plaque that read “Strahl”.
Mal spent millions of gil unearthing and restoring the Strahl to its once-former glory,
Once he had restored the “Strahl”, he needed to find a crew. It took time, but he managed to find a few former Scales that survived along with him, and asked them to join up. The crew finally came together when Keiko agreed to sign on as First Mate, giving Mal the moral compass he sometimes needed. And so the “Obsidian Scales'' took to the skies, soaring beyond the horizon in search of whatever tickles their fancy.